
About Me

First and foremost, I'm a 20-something young professional with enough sass to silence a raging mob.

Things to know about me:

One// I consider myself to be a Midwestern immigrant. My father was in the US Navy when I was growing up so we were moving every 3 years or so. I have lived everywhere from New England to Hawaii and everywhere in between. We moved to Wisconsin as I was entering my sophomore year of high school and have been here ever since. I'm not sold on staying here for eternity (winter should not last 6 months, I'm just saying), but it is home for now.

Two// I was not an English major in college. I also didn't study Marketing, Graphic Design or anything that would typically a good blogger make. I will do my very best to proofread my posts 57623 times before posting, but I am only human. Please excuse the inevitable grammatical errors that are likely to commence.

Three// Speaking of my college days, I studied Microbiology in school and am currently working full time in this field as a Technical Research Microbiologist. I am blessed to have been given this opportunity right out of school and am loving every second of it.

Four// I have one younger brother and hundreds of thousands of sisters. Not biological, but through the sisterhood of Delta Delta Delta. I am a proud alum of this fine organization and am most proud of the accomplishments made towards our philanthropic partner: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Look for a post about this in the future because I can't help but to gush on an on about the babies of St. Jude!

Come back soon for an update!

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